
Miten kouluttaudun sertifioiduksi MDT terapeutiksi

Masterclass MDT Management of Chronic Pain

Takaisin kursseihin

Masterclass MDT Management of Chronic Pain

24.11.2023 - 25.11.2023

Varalan Urheiluopisto

MDT Management of Chronic Pain
Varala, Tampere

14 Hours 

Upon conclusion of this course, the student will be able to apply these working principles into practice. 

Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to: 

  • Discuss current research and trends in identification of pain mechanisms in subgroupings of nociception, peripheral neuropathic and nociplastic changes. 
  • Identify the history and examination findings from an MDT exam that result in MDT classification of Chronic Pain Syndrome
  • Describe psychosocial considerations for persons living with persistent pain. 
  • Demonstrate the ability to problem solve strategies for patients with various pain behaviors and psychosocial considerations
  • Evaluate the evidence and apply appropriate screening tools to identify strategies for the patient with persistent pain. 
  • Theorize how objective patient findings could inform clinical management of individuals with symptoms of persistent pain. 


Jane Borgehammar, PT, DPT, DHS
Melissa Kolski PT, DPT
Simon Simonsen, PT 

Target Audience

Clinicians who have undertaken a minimum of Part C of the MDT educational program.

Mode of Delivery

Face to Face

Course Description Information

There are several different pain classifications in practice based on expert opinion.  These systems need to be comprehensive enough to consider the physical and mental wellbeing of the individual and comprehensive of the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF).  Signs and symptoms help to identify and classify individuals in pain to provide guidance regarding treatment expectations and interventions. This course will review pain classification systems in practice, explore how Mechanical Diagnosis and Therapy utilizes these concepts and how clinicianscan effectively manage the classification of Chronic Pain Syndrome. 


The student will accomplish these objectives by achieving competency in the following topics:

  1. Pain Processing 
  2. Therapeutic Alliance 
  3. Cognitive and Emotional Factors
  4. Comorbidities and Environment (Personal & Contextual Factors)
  5. Autonomic System
  6. Graded Motor Imagery
  7. Graded Exposure
  8. Graded Activity 
  9. Follow up and Goal Setting 

Learning Activities

Instructional strategies will include.

 Knowledge checks

 Case studies

 Hands-on exercises

 Student interaction with peers /instructors

 Additional references (e.g., documentation, supplementary materials, web links)

End-of-course Assessment 

No formal final assessment, each module will have a knowledge check to review relevant summary details. 



Päivä ja aika

pe-la 24-25.11.2023

Varalan Urheiluopisto
Varalankatu 36


Kurssin hinta Suomen McKenzie Instituutin jäsenille on 400€ (sis. Alv, kahvin ja lounaan) ja ei-jäsenille 450€ (sis. Alv, kahvin ja lounaan).

Spaces Available



Mainio tilaisuus tietotaitojen päivittämiseen!

Luennoitsijan tiedot

Simon Simonssen (MI Danmark)

PT, Dip. MDT

Simon Simonsen er fysioterapeut og fik sin fysioterapi autoristation i 1997 fra Fysioterapiskolen i Odense, Danmark. (nu University College Lillebælt) Som nyuddannet blev han hurtigt interesseret i McKenzie metoden for Mekanisk Diagnose og Terapi og i 2003 tog han til Austin, Texas for at få hans Dip. MDT. Simon har arbejdet i privat praksis uafbrudt i 15 år. I 2012 skiftede han arbejdsplads til en tværfaglig smerteklinik, hvor han bruger MDT som sin primære undersøgelse og behandlings værktøj. Han har også fortsat med at se patienter i sin egen private praksis. Han er en Instructor for McKenzie Institute International og underviser på kurser både i Danmark og i Norge.

Tapahtumapaikka Katso laajempi kartta

Tapahtumapaikka ja osoite

Varalan Urheiluopisto


Varalan Urheiluopisto
Varalankatu 36